Israel’s Heroines
לוגו פורום דבורה

Corporal Maya Vialovo Polo

19 years old upon her death
Born on October 1, 2004
Fell in battle on October 7, 2023
414th Battalion, Border Defense Corps
Nachlat Yitzhak Military Cemetery, Plot 61, Row 13, Grave No. 2
Her family

Daughter of Galit and Eduardo

Her personal story

Mia was born on Sukkot of 2004 in Tel Aviv to her devoted parents, who had met each other during their time in college in France. From the moment she was born, Mia was the center of her parents’ life.
Mia had Israeli and Spanish roots, and despite the distance between these two branches of her family, she was always the glue that kept it together.
In her early childhood, the family moved to Seville in Spain, where she had stayed for several years. Her mother, Galit, later came back to Israel with Mia, who grew up in Moshav Rintia, where she was surrounded by scores of friends.
Mia and Galit moved to Givatayim when she was 14 years old, where they lived close to their other family members. Mia became a young woman in Givatayim, went to Ort Kreisman High School, and spent a few great years there, where she fostered deep and meaningful relationships with her friends.
Mia brought light to the world from the moment of her birth. Her heart was always full of joy, enthusiasm, and optimism. She was a straight As students, and invested much of her time in her studies and sports activities.
Mia was known for her great love for her family and friends and her ability to make everyone laugh. She was a unique and exceptional daughter, granddaughter and cousin.
She was an industrious young woman, and had many jobs that were typical of her age, such as babysitter and waiter. She always found joy and meaning in even the most menial tasks.
Children and adults found it exceptionally easy to relate to her charismatic personality.
Mia was a person of love and joy. It is hard to believe that she is no longer with us. Her loss is beyond enduring.

Her service in the security forces

Mia wanted to become a sports instructor, but she then received an invitation to surveillance soldier trials before her enlistment. After considering the matter and being the optimist that she was, she decided to consider this assignment an opportunity to provide an important contribution to her country. She decided to devote herself to the role and to perform it with great success.
Mia joined the IDF on April 17, 2023, and immediately began her training as a surveillance soldier. She was an outstanding soldier at boot camp, and was slated for command during her course. After she completed her course, she was given her Platoon Commander’s beret, which was a gesture of appreciation.
Because of Mia’s exceptional performance during that course, she was given the option of choosing her own assignment. Throughout her life, she always exhibited outstanding commitment and devotion, and was motivated to contribute and make a difference. After she considered all of her options, she chose to serve at Nachal Oz Outpost, which was regarded at the time as an interesting and significant post in a well-managed sector.
Her request for a post at Nachal Oz was granted, and she quickly finished her training at the Outpost. Her social integration was successful, and she rapidly found new friends who became part of her family. The soldiers took care of each other, enjoyed their military service together, and Mia felt that she was performing an important and meaningful role.
Mia was supposed to receive an award for outstanding achievements from the Gaza Division Commander on October 10, 2023 after she had identified a terrorist group in that sector. She was supposed to attend a pre-command course in November 2023,, and she had already planned to attend an officers’ course thereafter.

The circumstances of her fall

On October 7, 2023, Mia was on an Operations Room shift together with her teammates. She began reporting the terrorist attack at 6:30 AM. Recordings from the Outpost include Mia’s real-time reports, which she broadcast through “Pascal 91,” her comm channel. She reported that a tractor had infiltrated the base, and that terrorists on motorcycles had infiltrated Israeli territory. Despite these dramatic events and the mortal danger she was in, she continued to provide reports with composure, devotion, and professionalism. One could readily observe this in her calm and collected tone of voice.
The following link leads to a recording of her reports about the infiltration. This recording was broadcast on Channel 11 on March 31, 2024.
Mia fell in the bloody battle of Nachal Oz Operations Room.

The following was written by Mia’s mother to describe the circumstances of her death. It was also read out at a Knesset session held in commemoration of the surveillance soldiers’ bravery:
“Saturday, 6:30 AM. I woke up to the sound of sirens shortly before. I immediately wrote Mia: “What’s the deal with those rockets?” She didn’t answer, and I knew that she had been on a shift since 4 AM, which was supposed to end at eight. The shift ended in suffocation and fire. At 9:30AM, I received a message from a survivor’s phone. Mom, it’s Mia. I’m okay. I’m safe for now. Love you. We hope this will end quickly. They were certain that the Operations Room is safe and that they would be rescued. But nothing happened for more than five hours. The scout and the other officer at the operations room fought to defend it. Until the electricity went out
We were informed about this in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. We already knew… I saw a message in the Nachal Oz WhatsApp group. Rumor had it that the command room had burned down, and the fact was that we hadn’t heard anything from Mia. They already knew about two survivors and Mia was not identified at any hospital. After I saw the burned down command room, which looked like something from a movie about the Holocaust, it was already 6:30 AM. The things we saw and the reports... the horror they must have gone through, the desperate hope of being saved, and the way they suffocated to death… Burned bracelet, burned necklace... I’m Mia’s mother, and I will never be able to live with this."

Her character and personality

Mia’s family described her personality as follows:
Mia was a bright young girl with golden locks, a beautiful smile, and an abundance of style. She could make a new friend wherever she went. She was kind to every person she met. She could always see the good in people. Mia was hilarious, she always knew how to have a good time, and she loved parties and good food. She enjoyed the delicious gluten-free food that her mother used to make for her. Mia had celiac disease.
Mia is half Israeli and half Spanish, and she used to travel to Spain on her own from a very young age. She spoke fluent Spanish and even taught her army friends how to speak it.
Her parents chose the following inscription for her gravestone: “A unique, pure soul, you were our joy and our whole world - 2004-forever.”

Her favorite things

Mia loved spending time with her friends, and especially Shea, her young cousin. She also regularly visited her grandparents, and spent wonderful moments with her parents.
She loved reading books and watch TV shows in Spanish. She was a big fan of fashion and loved shopping for beautiful clothes.
Mia wanted to become a doctor, and said that if that proved to be too difficult, then she at least wanted to become a obstetric nurse. She loved babies and children, and wanted a big family with lots of children.

Her legacy and commemoration

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Corporal Maya Vialovo Polo

Fell in battle on October 7, 2023


סיפור חייו של כל אחד מהנופלים, תמצית מאבקה של מדינת ישראל לחיים, עצמאות ולביטחון אישי ולאומי

Corporal Maya Vialovo Polo

19 years old upon her death

Born on October 1, 2004

Fell in battle on October 7, 2023